Previous Readings

After Darwin

by Timberlake Wertenbaker

September 27, 2023 | Whitefish Bay Public Library
September 29 & 30, 2023 | Sunstone Studios MKE

Directed by L. Mark Flagg

"Timberlake Wertenbaker's brain-teasing new play addresses the ruling metaphor of our times: the survival of the fittest. She does it in the most direct way possible, by dramatizing the development of Darwin's ideas on the origins and survival of species during his voyage on the Beagle in the 1830s and the conflict between him and Fitzroy, his captain and a literalist believer in the Bible. But the metaphor is underlined by casting this as a play within a play, where the actor playing Darwin has no interest beyond personal survival and the actor playing Fitzroy is weakened by principle." - Sunday Times, London

Presented in collaboration with 53212 Presents.

The Last Yankee

by Arthur Miller

March 18, 2023 | Sunstone Studios MKE
March 23, 2023 | Whitefish Bay Public Library

Featuring the talents of Zach Thomas Woods, David Ferrie, Tori Watson, Leslie Fitzwater, John Stano, and Mark Flagg

Two men, one in his late-forties, the other twenty years older, meet in the waiting room of a New England state mental health facility only to discover that they have done business together in the past. Inside the facility, each of their wives recovers from a nervous breakdown, sharing stories about their husbands. The final meeting between them all demonstrates the price and rewards of even strained marriages.

Lips Together, Teeth Apart

by Terrence McNally

December 15-17, 2022 | The Back Room, behind Amorphic Brewing (Milwaukee, WI)

Featuring the talents of Chris Goode, Selena Milewski, Kirk Thomsen, and Laura Monagle

A 4th of July seaside visit by two couples with baggage produces more fireworks on the patio than in the sky. Mixing poignant monologues, crackling dialogue, drinks, food, and fisticuffs, Terrence McNally’s Lips Together, Teeth Apart probes our unwillingness to face the ravages and losses of AIDS and the consequences of inaction as we mask our ignorance and fears.


by Simon Stephens

May 26-28, 2022 | 53212 Presents (Milwaukee, WI)

Directed by Mark Flagg and Kirk Thomsen

Featuring the talents of Tori Watson and Mark Flagg

Similar to atomic particles, people are not entirely predictable. Their futures are always subject to change. What happens when two characters suddenly collide?

Women's Voices

March 23, 2021 | Newcastle Place (Mequon, WI)

Featuring the talents of Mark Flagg and Maggie Marks

A Miscellany of non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and quotations celebrating American Women’s voices in life and letters

An Evening of Winter Shorts

January 30-February 1, 2020 | 53212 Presents (Milwaukee, WI)

Directed by L Mark Flagg

Featuring the talents of Nate Press, Tess Rutkowski, Kirk Thomsen, and Posy Knight and stage managed by Sarah Burger

An evening of six short plays featuring the US premiere of local playwright Jon Kolb’s THE WAITRESS.

Alabama Story

by Kenneth Jones

October 17-19, 2019 | 53212 Presents (Milwaukee, WI)

Directed by Stephan Roselin

Featuring the talents of Leslie Fitzwater, Chris Goode, Scott Howland, Monty Kane, Stephan Roselin, Tess Rutkowski, and Audwin Short with lighting by Alan Piotrowicz and stage managed by Nicole Allee

Set in Montgomery, Alabama in 1959, Alabama Story mixes real and fictional people to tell a fact-inspired fable about tests of character in a time of social turbulence. Censorship, civil rights, children’s literature and the freedom to read are elements in this highly theatrical tale set in “the Deep South of the imagination.” A bullying but complex segregationist senator wants a controversial children’s book taken off the library shelves, but a fearless librarian — no less complicated — refuses, putting both of their worlds at risk.

At This Stage

May 9, 2019 | Wingate Residences (Brewster, MA)

Featuring the talents of Jeff Flagg and Mark Flagg

A selection of anecdotes, quotations, monologues and dialogues about theater.

Garden Variety

April 5, 2019 | Harbor Chase (Shorewood, WI)

Featuring the talents of Mark Flagg and Christine Lathrop-Horgen

A miscellany of quotations, vignettes, stories, and poems about the joys and challenges of gardening.

New Jerusalem

The interrogation of Baruch de Spinoza at Talmud Torah Congregation: Amsterdam, July 27, 1656by David Ives

March 28-30, 2019 | Irish Cultural & Heritage Center (Milwaukee, WI)

Directed by Margaret Bridges

With live cello music by Ben Yela

Featuring the talents of Jake Konrath, Matthew Ecclestone, Scott Howland, Nate Press, Jason Nykiel, Rebecca Cofta, and Abigail Stein

A cast of seven, with cello music, presents the story of Baruch de Spinoza's Interrogation at Talmud Torah Congregation: Amsterdam, July 27, 1656.  A humble, young merchant philosopher sets the world of dogma and intolerance on edge and bravely faces the dire consequences.

Women's Voices

February 2, 2019

A miscellany of poems, essays, and short stories representing women's voices from Anne Bradstreet to Shirley Jackson, Nora Ephron, Betty White, and Mary Oliver.

Anna in the Tropics

by Nilo Cruz

February 2018  | Peck School of the Arts (Milwaukee, WI)

Directed by Margaret Bridges

Featuring the talents of Mark Flagg, Claudio Parrone, Jr., Nate Press, Izetta Rees, Olivia Gonzales, Roger Rivas, Abigail Stein, and Shayne Steliga

Press: Urban Milwaukee

Presented in Collaboration with Milwaukee Entertainment Group

Traveling by the Seat of Our Pants

September 2017  | Wingate Residences (Brewster, MA)

Spring Shorts

2017  | Wingate Residences (Brewster, MA)

Three short plays featuring the talents of Catherine Ode and L. Mark Flagg.

And the Sun Stood Still

by Dava Sobel

November 2016  | Boswell Book Company (Milwaukee, WI)

Featuring the talents of Bob Balderson, David Ferrie, David Sapiro, Ben Braun, and Jocelyn Ridgeley

Presented in Collaboration with Soulstice Theatre

Thirteen Ways of Looking at Dogs

2016  | Wingate Residences (Brewster, MA)

A miscellany of short fiction, short poems, vignettes, quotations,  and non-fiction essays about our favorite four-footed friends, this hour-long program is one that even cat-lovers will find entertaining.

Encompassing works by James Thurber, John Updike, Mary Oliver, Billy Collins, amongst others.

33 Variations

by Moises Kaufman

March 2015  | Villa Terrace (Milwaukee, WI)

Directed by Stephan Roselin

Featuring the talents of Margaret Casey, Michael Kelly, David Rothrock, Laura Monagle, Amanda Hull, Ted Tyson, and Elena Abend on piano.

Over the River and Through the Woods

by Joe DiPietro

December 2012

Featuring the talents of Robert Zimmerman, Joan End, Mark Neufang, Jenny Kosek, Margaret Casey and Mark Flagg

The Book Club Play

by Karen Zacarias

2009 | Soulstice Theatre (St. Francis, WI)

Directed by Joey Sanchez

Featuring the talents of Kyle N, Mara McGhee, Paul Madden, Stephanie Graham, Jason Thompson, Shemagne O’Keefe, and Charles Lynch.